The receptivity of the structural process by the inter-American human rights system: reflections from the case of the xucuru indigenous people and their members vs. Brazil


  • Marcelo Bezerra Ribeiro UNIVERSIDADE DA AMAZÔNIA - UNAMA



After the atrocities committed in the two great world wars, especially the second, it was necessary to build an International System for the Protection of Human Rights, in order to mitigate the bases of Nazism. The internationalization of human rights is, therefore, a recent phenomenon in history, a product of the struggles and achievements of the late 20th century. In this scenario, the so-called regional systems of protection emerged, among them, the inter-American system, which in the context of transforming regional constitutionalism legitimized itself as an important instrument for the protection of human rights, with the help of the American Commission, the Inter-American Court and the Inter-American Process as a whole. Based on these analyses, we begin to reflect on a new type of process, called “structural process”. The present work seeks to investigate, therefore, whether the Inter-American system is receptive to the structural process, analyzing the rules of the Inter-American process and taking as a parameter the case of the Xucuru indigenous people and their members vs Brazil, a reflection from the psychosocial perspective of geopolitics. As for the methodology, it started with theoretical research with the analysis of empirical elements, with a qualitative approach. The applied logic was predominantly hypothetical-deductive and the research procedures were made possible through bibliographical-documental survey and case study.

Keywords: International System for the Protection of Human Rights. Inter-American System. Protection tools; Structural process. Case of the Xucuru people vs. Brazil.


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Author Biographies


Doutora em Direito do Estado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2009) e Mestre em Direito das Relações Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2003). Especialista em Direito Processual (2000). Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Advogada. Pós doutoranda e professora convidada do Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito Mestrado e Doutorado do Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA (CAPES 5). Diretora de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade Integrada da Amazônia (FINAMA) e da Faculdade Integrada da Advocacia da Amazônia (FINAMA ADVOCACIA).Professora da graduação em Direito da Faculdade Integrada da Advocacia da Amazônia (FINAMA ADVOCACIA). Foi Coordenadora do Programa de Pós Graduação Stricto Sensu Mestrado em Direitos Fundamentais da Universidade da Amazônia - UNAMA/ Grupo Ser Educacional (2018/2022). Líder do Grupo Permanente de Estudos e Pesquisa "Direito Internacional para o Século XXI" (2017). Membro do Instituto de Direito Administrativo Sancionador - IDASAN. Membro do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Constitucional - IBDC. Membro da Academia Brasileira de Direito Internacional - ABDI. Membro do Programa de Apoio a Pesquisa Docente da Universidade Paulista - UNIP (2011-2013). Líder do Grupo Permanente de Pesquisa "Direitos Humanos - Perspectivas e Reflexões para o Século XXI" na Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - UPM/CNPq (2011/2013). Autora de obras na área de Direito Internacional e diversos artigos científicos na área do Direito Público. Com experiência em pesquisa na área jurídica, com ênfase em (1) Direito Internacional Público; (2) Direito Internacional Privado; (3)Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos; (4) Direito Público e Tecnologia.


Attorney. Master's student in Fundamental Rights (UNAMA), in the PROSUP/CAPES full scholarship modality. Specialist in Public Law (CESUPA). Vice-president of the Pará Youth Advocacy Commission (COJAD/PA), in the OAB/PA 2022-2024 administration. Member of the Democracy, Hermeneutics and Process Research Group. She was a scholarship monitor for the subject Constitutional Law I. She was a scientific initiation scholarship holder (NUPEX/UNIFAMAZ). He was a scholarship exchange student at Pearson College - London, in 2020.


Postdoctoral degree in Law from PUCRS. Doctor and Master in Public Law and Social Evolution from Estácio de Sá University (UNESA). Permanent professor at the Master's Degree at the University of Amazonia (UNAMA). Professor of Civil Procedure at PUCRS Graduate Studies. Effective member of the Brazilian Academy of Civil Procedural Law, IBDP and ANNEP. CAMES referee. Author of legal works. Attorney.


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How to Cite

Noura Teixeira, C., Correa Pinto, A., & Bezerra Ribeiro, M. (2023). The receptivity of the structural process by the inter-American human rights system: reflections from the case of the xucuru indigenous people and their members vs. Brazil. Revista De Direitos E Garantias Fundamentais, 24(3), 221–243.