Technological society: promotion and protection of human rights


  • Gabrielle Bezerra Sales Sarlet PUC/RS
  • Carlos Alberto Molinaro PUC/RS


Parole chiave:

Human Rights. Technology. Power.


The most striking feature of the contemporary world is that technology has built an absorbing ambiance whose boundaries mark the survival of humankind. In this sense, the technique involves much more than the multiplicity of artifacts produced and entangles us in desires of consumption, in predetermined needs, for it is not revealed only in a matter of objects in the hands of people. It acquires a particular contour building a very complex network in which our daily lives are incorporate. Thus, the systemic character of contemporary technology confronts us with new and innovative issues, also requiring new and creative dimensions of individual and social responsibility. Law and science are among the primary sources of prestige and power in modern societies, as well as the institutional environment and politics. Law (in the broadest sense of legal order) is the primary virtue of social institutions because it regulates relations between people, including facts. Science, in turn, allows us to discover the world around us and question us. Also, political power and administration provide the necessary subsidies to understand the scientific and technical claims that seek the maximum advantage for specific groups of society, or sometimes for society as a whole. Here we intend to collect some ideas that confront our way of perceiving the politics, economy, and law to debate the need to update the law. The method employed is exploratory by literature review, using the inductive method for observation of phenomena, as well as for the discovery of the relationship between them and generalization of this relationship.


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Come citare

Sarlet, G. B. S., & Molinaro, C. A. (2019). Technological society: promotion and protection of human rights. Revista De Direitos E Garantias Fundamentais, 20(2), 43–64.



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