The image of the child and adolescent as a subject of law in poverty situations




Childhood. Right. Public policies.


Children’s rights, promoted by United Nations through the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) (1989), have been ratified and incorporated into the States legal systems, nevertheless difficulties still exist to integrate them into the specific policies and programs design for this group of population.The historical paradigm of modern childhood since nineteenth century moves away shyly to give way to the children’s citizenship paradigm, but continuing with an adult-centered approach. It is a winding road in which it is obvious that the rights of children and adolescents are inherent in their status as citizens.  Thispaper addresses the relationship between childhood and right, from a holistic approach, trying to identify the lack of effectiveness and commitment of public policies with children’s rights taking into account the important vulnerabilities and forms of social exclusion that child and adolescent integral development is suffering.


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Author Biography

Antonia Picornell-Lucas, Universidad de Salamanca

Possui graduação em Filosofia e Ciências da Educação - Universidad de Salamanca (1994) e doutorado em Historia de la Educacion - Universidad de Salamanca (2003). Atualmente é professora - Universidad de Salamanca, e Presidente da Red Iberoamericana para la Docencia e Investigación en Derechos de la Infancia [REDidi]. Tem experiência na área de Serviço Social, com ênfase em Trabalho Social y Derechos de la Infancia. 


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How to Cite

Picornell-Lucas, A. (2016). The image of the child and adolescent as a subject of law in poverty situations. Revista De Direitos E Garantias Fundamentais, 17(2), 203–218.



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