Informationalism as a menace to the human right to health during the pandemic: the aporiae of Covid-19 and the challenges of human communication


  • Gustavo Silveira Borges
  • Taciana Damo Cervi
  • Thami Covatti Piaia



La raison général d'être of this work, as a problematic, consists into analyze if the current stage of the technological paradigm, informationalist, could be a menace to the human right to health, such its influence in transforming human communication, acting in a strategic way in the current moment in which humanity is passing through: the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we put on scope, themes such as informationalism, fake and biased information, human rights, and the human right to health. This study is justified, thus its imperious the enlargement of the debate about the pandemic of COVID-19 facing scheme and the instruments that may be used to achieve this goal, equipping the State, society and firms with technology, of reliable elements to a good governance.

 Keywords: Informationalism. Covid-19 pandemic. Human Rights. Human Right to Health.


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How to Cite

Borges, G. S. ., Cervi, T. D., & Piaia, T. C. (2020). Informationalism as a menace to the human right to health during the pandemic: the aporiae of Covid-19 and the challenges of human communication. Revista De Direitos E Garantias Fundamentais, 21(1), 139–166.



State, Constitutional Democracy and Fundamental Rights